
As an engineer-turned-marketer, I consult companies on winning over developers.

I've done this for 10+ years for companies like Pinecone — where I created the "vector database" category and helped lead the company pre-seed to unicorn —AT&T, Netlify, Domino Data Lab, Scalyr, and dozens more.

If you want to: Build developer champions that will accelerate your enterprise deals through internal champions, implement a product-led growth (PLG) strategy, enter a new market with a developer product, jumpstart a passionate community around your product, or just make developers give a damn about your products, then contact me (

Some of my project frameworks, refined over 10+ years of working with 50+ companies facing similar challenges:

Buyer Fluency Framework®

Find the exact messaging that will connect your product with your buyers' desired outcome. language to succeed in the enterprise software market.

This is a step-by-step process to identify the exact messaging that will get the attention and interest of your target buyers. Get clear and compelling messagingt that directly connects your product offering with your buyers' urgent initiatives.

Key steps of the framework:

  • Research - Identify the trends, needs, and direction of the market.
  • Listen - Interview users and prospective enterprise buyers to uncover what they care about most—their desired outcomes.
  • Translate - Map product features to desired outcomes of enterprise buyers.
  • Position - Write the exact language that will attract and convert enterprise buyers into sales leads.
  • Go-to-market - Apply the new language throughout sales and marketing, and train the team to fluency.

“The Buyer Fluency Framework has been absolutely transformative for the company.” — Ev Kontsevoy, CEO, Teleport

As an engineer-turned-marketer with 10+ years of experience in messaging and positioning deeply technical products to technical audiences, there’s nobody better-positioned than me to help your would-be users and buyers see the value of your innovative product.